Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 17 - Dawn of X, Volume 14 (2021)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Seventeen

Dawn of X, Volume 14 (2021)
(00:00:00) Wolverine (vol.7) #4: "The Red Tavern"
(00:38:36) X-Factor (vol.4) #2: "Mojoverse Sonata XF.3 Op: 45, Danse Macabre"
(01:27:18) X-Men (vol.5) #11: "One War, One Mutant"
(02:05:14) Empyre: X-Men #3: "Staff Infection"
(02:43:23) Empyre: X-Men #4: "Un-Ring"
Writers - Benjamin Percy, Leah Williams, Jonathan Hickman, Vita Ayala, Zeb Wells, & Ed Brisson
Art - Viktor Bogdanovic, David Baldeon, Leinil Francis Yu, Andrea Broccardo, Jorge Molina, & Lucas Werneck
Colors - Matthew Wilson, Israel Silva, Sunny Gho, Nolan Woodard, Adriano de Benedetto, & Lucas Werneck
Letters - VC's Cory Petit, Joe Caramagna, & Clayton Cowles
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Robinson, Bissa, Amaro, White, Basso, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: March 31, 2021

Today's is a pretty interesting compilation... as, if you're a listener of the more recent episodes of X-Lapsed, you'll be familiar with my gushing over X-Factor... and lamenting its cancellation.  Well, wouldja believe that there was a point in time where I was actually HOPING it would be canned with the quickness?  It was with the second issue of the volume where I was officially "done" with this book.  Boy, how things change!

Also, despite the fact that we're wrapping up the Empyre-sploitation miniseries here, we're also including the only Empyre chapter worth a damn in X-Men #11!  You WILL believe a man can drop a satellite on a veg-alien!

All that, and my usual nonsense... all here waitin' for ya!


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