
Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 7: JSA #55 (2004)

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode #7

JSA #55 (February, 2004)
“Be Good For Goodness Sake”
Writer – Geoff Johns
Pencils – Leonard Kirk
Inks – Keith Champagne & Wade Von Grawbadger
Colors – Hi-Fi
Letters – Jared K. Fletcher
Associate Editor – Stephen Wacker
Editor – Peter Tomasi
For Jordan Marquis
Cover Price: $2.50

With everything going on in the world and personally… it took me until the 17th of the month to realize we’re in July!  Well, we have a little tradition at this here site… that I’d hate to let pass us by, perhaps this year more than ever.

I tell ya, if there were any year where we (or I) need a little bit of Christmas on Infinite Earths… in July, it’s 2020.

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For those unfamiliar with the way I usually put together an episode of Chris is on Infinite Earths (wow, the old CioIE pod-thumbnails were lazy as heck!)… it’s usually a revisit to a book that I’d already written about here on the site.  So, that’s good news for folks who just don’t “do” podcasts, or maybe just don’t dig the sound of my voice… because, there is a written piece for JSA #55 you can check out right here.

This was one of the earlier episodes of the solo-show where I actually had a guest.  This would be the second time I’d ever do a show with Chris Bailey (@Charlton_Hero), who I now have the pleasure of doing Morituri Mondays and Questerdays with.  We had a really good time with this one.  At the risk of sounding a bit precious, this was definitely one of those “magical” recording sessions.

A Christmas episode (which we actually released on Christmas Day, 2018) was this weird “dragon” I was chasing from the very start of my podding “career”.  I can recall listening to Christmas-themed episodes of my favorite shows long before I ever decided to spit into a microphone… and they always felt special.  That Christmas “magic” was ever-present, ya know what I mean?

I can remember listening to some random Christmas episodes during the dead of Arizona Summer, while I would be sitting in my work-rig preparing to face the 120ºF heat… and press myself into the 230ºF windshield I’d be trying to repair.  Even then, in those most dire times, a Christmas episode would… well, it would give me a different sort of “warm” feeling… the kind that was far less likely to turn beet red, blister, and peel.

As soon as I started podcasting, I knew I wanted to make a big deal out of Christmas episode(s).  It was just very important to me that we deliver that same sort of feeling to our listeners, regardless of what time of year that particular episode popped up in their feeds.  Dunno, if you’ve followed this site for any length of time, you know I like to “do it up” for the Holidays.  We’ve moved house about a half-dozen times over the course of the past 10-15 years… and, the first thing I do when checking out a new place is decide where the Christmas Tree will stand.  If there isn’t a place for it… there’s no way I’m moving in.  Priorities, right?

Anyhoo… I hope if you decide to check out this “off-season” episode, it fills you with some good cheer… and distracts from this very odd Summer we’re all muddling through.

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